Changes to LMU Policy in Alignment with California Reopening Protocols

Today, Los Angeles County Public Health updated the Health Officer Order (HOO) to align with the state’s Health Officer Order and the state’s Beyond the Blueprint for Industry and Business Sectors.

In accordance with the new HOO, the following changes will be implemented at LMU on Wednesday, June 16:
  • Masks are no longer required outside while on campus. This includes employees who are outside performing job duties alone, unless the nature of their work requires PPE.
  • In-person meetings with LMU employees are permitted, provided that all employees are distanced 6-feet apart and masks are worn at all times. This applies for indoor and outdoor meetings. Food may not be served.
  • Communal water fountains, shared office coffee pots, and Sparkletts water coolers are permitted in shared spaces. Over the next few days, Facilities Management will be working to make water fountains available across campus. You are encouraged to remain diligent and wash your hands before and after use of shared equipment.
While most restrictions have been eased significantly, please note that per L.A. County Public Health and Cal/OSHA, masking and distancing are still required indoors at all times and outdoors while employees are in close contact with others.

The university expects further changes to protocol will be released by Cal/OSHA and L.A. County Public Health later this week. Subsequent communication will be sent as the guidance changes and restrictions further ease on campus.