Standards Component Review

The Steering Committee has identified several areas about which we invite your feedback.

  • Is the information presented in the Evidence Provided (Column 3) accurate, current, and complete?
  • Is there additional evidence we should include, and can you provide documentation or links?
  • Are there still gaps in evidence (i.e., what additional evidence should we gather and provide for each criterion)?
  • What are the current areas of greatest strength in what LMU is doing to meet these standards?
  • In what areas are there opportunities for improvement (i.e., areas where we can do even better)?

We recognize that this document is long, detailed, and contains hundreds of pages of linked documents. We also recognize that individuals across the LMU community vary widely in their areas of expertise and levels of insight across these standards. Please feel free to focus your feedback on those areas in which you are most knowledgeable.

Review Standards Component Provide Feedback on Standards